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    We are pleased to a offer a Free After School Program
    partnered with California Teaching Fellows Foundation



    If you have any questions, please contact Alma Cuevas (559) 592-2010.

  • Teaching Fellows is a grant funded program, we are responsible for helping to improve academic success within our schools, it is imperative that our students attend the full program every day. The program is not a daycare, but an opportunity for our students to receive valuable additional support to excel academically, physically, and socially.

     If you would like to enroll your child, please print and fill out the application forms and return thm to the school's front office. Enrollment is limited to a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will be given to foster and homeless students. 

    Please be advised that your child may not start in the After School Enrichment Program until you have been notified that your child has been enrolled.

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      Our program consists of daily educational, recreational, and enrichment components. Our students receive homework support, academic instruction, physical education, and fun enrichment activities. It begins immediately after the end of the regular school day and is open each day school is in session until at least 6:00 PM.