Our Community

  • Farmersville is a small incorporated community with a population of 11,900 located between Visalia and Exeter in eastern Tulare County of California.  The community is located about 36 miles from the entrance to Sequoia National Park and about 90 miles from Yosemite, which offers some of the state’s finest mountain and recreational areas.  Driving to the west two hours, the ocean provides a complete change of scenery.

    The major industry in the area is agriculture, which includes dairy production, citrus, grapes, cotton, corn, grain, tree fruit, and alfalfa hay for beef cattle.

    Housing within the general areas of Farmersville, Visalia, Exeter, and Tulare is quite reasonable and affordable.
    College of the Sequoias and Porterville College are the two local community colleges.  California State University in Fresno and Bakersfield as well as private colleges such as Fresno Pacific, Brandman, and National offer educational opportunities for graduate and post graduate degrees.