Rights of Parents and Children
PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS AND PARENT RIGHTSThis information provides you as parents, legal guardians, and surrogate parents of children with disabilities from 3 years of age through age 21 with an overview of your educational rights, sometimes called procedural safeguards. This notice is also provided for students who are entitled to these rights at age 18. (20 USC 1415; EC 56321) A copy of these safeguards will be given to you once a year. Additional copies may be given upon an initial referral or parent request for evaluation, upon the first occurrence of the filing of a complaint under Section 615(b) (6) of H.R. 1350, upon provision of an assessment plan to parents and at your request. You may elect to receive this notice and other notices required under this section by an electronic mail (e-mail) communication.
- Procedural Safeguards - English
- Procedural Safeguards - Spanish
Parent Forms
Student Athletic Insurance Form (English)
21-22 Student Accident Insurance Parent Brochure English.pdf 282.24 KB (Last Modified on June 15, 2021) -
Formulario de Seguro Deportivo para Estudiantes
21-22 Student Accident Insurance Parent Brochure Spanish.pdf 216.57 KB (Last Modified on June 15, 2021)
For help setting up your own Parent Portal Account please click below:
Aeries Parent Portal Set Up Tutorial
Tutorial de instalacion de Portal de padres AeriesCheck in on your student progress anytime, anywhere...Mobile Portal puts student data in the palm of your hand. View grades, attendance, contact, and demographic information about your student, all on the go!